McCrimmon Adventures
AZ Spring Fling 2011

- Completed WEMS Series again (good time w/ Ken & Mike)
- Retired as kids are now Teens - I'm now having a great time riding locally
- Drake was baptized Sept 12th
- Glynnis and I celebrated 20 years of Marriage
- Grandma Mc celebrated her 90th birthday
- Drew and I went to Seabase (pics here)
- Drake turned 16 Oct 4th
- Glynnis and I went to Kauai for two weeks to celebrate our 20 years
- DevWerx is focusing solely on Commerce Server 2009 projects
- Clients this year include Joyce Meyer Ministries, HardRock Cafe and DirectBuy
- We've enjoyed our renovation for now a year, improvements this year include:
- Paint the Brick exterior
- Create a Teen Room, 1/2 Bath and Office in the Basement
- Epoxy the Garage
- Seal the large driveway
- Remove detached Garage
Fruita Fat Tire Festival
More pics here.
Variety of Training

The last update was our trip to Florida a few months back. Since then I've been working in St Louis, Orlando and at home. I became a regular at the "Y" spin classes in St Louis and really enjoyed my time there. The weather sweetened up one week which allowed for some incredible lunch road rides in the back hills of Fenton. I sure wish those hills were closer to home as they were tough. I've been on the bike 10 of the last 12 days with a mixture of road, mountain and using the single offroad. A few of the outings were with the Vesrah crew as we prepare for another season.
I do have some ride pictures, yet I had to post Solomon's picture as it is one of his best.
Christmas in Florida

Winter is here

I was able to join my pops for an offroad motorcycle ride on Thanksgiving morning. It has been way too long since I was on my bike due to some mechanical issues, yet the best part was simply being with my Dad sliding around in the mud. How many 42 year olds get to do this with their Dads! I did get a good laugh in watching him slide out around a corner and end up sprawled on the ground.
Fall Rides

Chicago Marathon

The wife that could! Glynnis simply loves to run. Thankfully she can. She was diagnosed with MS around 16 years ago, has pushed through various challenging exasperations requiring patience, rest, IV steroids and a trip downtown every 4 weeks to the MS Center at Rush to receive a Tysabri infusion. Her MS physician is encouraging her to continue running. She has refused to stop doing the things she loves. She ran for HOPE Worldwide this year, a great charity.
Dad, the boys and I headed down to encourage her along the latter part of the race. We parked just south of 35th street, checked the times being reported at the local McDonalds and determined we would have about 50 minutes until she hit Chinatown.

Therefore, we hit the side roads and alleys and worked our way to Chinatown. Brian Sisler come through full of inspiration. We found some Chinese treats while we waited on Glynnis. The boys loved Chinatown! She came through a bit behind her goal, yet looking refreshed and strong for the remaining six miles. We headed up towards mile 25 and waited as Glynnis came through with Charlie Reitz. After reuniting at the finish, we enjoyed a long ride down the lakeshore to 31st and on to the car, drove back to the finish to pickup our Winner and then back home. A great day!
Looking ahead

The end of the season is hard to accept. The cold weather is starting to come with knowledge that Chicago winters are brutal! So much time inside, darkness, laziness and the ease of falling into depression - SAD. This winter will also include a surgery to remove the plates in my arm. I've found a key for me to fight the winter blues is to stay active both inside and outside. I've also contemplated CX this year, yet didn't have the bike and few, if any of my friends were doing it.
Therefore, I’m kicking off the fall/winter season with a focus on fun rides with a new GF Rig. The plan is to continue my normal 3 days/week rides until the snow gets too deep. This usually works through the end of the year. After that? The boys are now teenagers and wanting to start lifting weights in the home gym. This should be some more fun as we hang out and get buff.
Five more years til we head South for the winter…