
Variety of Training

The winter months haven't been so bad on the training front as I've been consistently putting the "fun" factor into my efforts. My goal was simply to keep the legs spinning and my mind away from the weather.

The last update was our trip to Florida a few months back. Since then I've been working in St Louis, Orlando and at home. I became a regular at the "Y" spin classes in St Louis and really enjoyed my time there. The weather sweetened up one week which allowed for some incredible lunch road rides in the back hills of Fenton. I sure wish those hills were closer to home as they were tough. I've been on the bike 10 of the last 12 days with a mixture of road, mountain and using the single offroad. A few of the outings were with the Vesrah crew as we prepare for another season.

I do have some ride pictures, yet I had to post Solomon's picture as it is one of his best.
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