
Looking ahead

The end of the season is hard to accept. The cold weather is starting to come with knowledge that Chicago winters are brutal! So much time inside, darkness, laziness and the ease of falling into depression - SAD. This winter will also include a surgery to remove the plates in my arm. I've found a key for me to fight the winter blues is to stay active both inside and outside. I've also contemplated CX this year, yet didn't have the bike and few, if any of my friends were doing it.

Therefore, I’m kicking off the fall/winter season with a focus on fun rides with a new GF Rig. The plan is to continue my normal 3 days/week rides until the snow gets too deep. This usually works through the end of the year. After that? The boys are now teenagers and wanting to start lifting weights in the home gym. This should be some more fun as we hang out and get buff.

Five more years til we head South for the winter…

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