
5 Month Update

It has been 5 months since the accident and I'm still having PT treatments and Ortho visits. I was informed by my ortho today that a book named "The Unforgiving Elbow" was published a couple months ago and based upon the complexities of fixing a broken elbow. Of course I might write my own version. He also informed me that I need to keep up PT for another month in an attempt to get more range of motion. This along with wearing the DynaSplint in a very high tension mode.

I have also found another foolish 41 year old who broke his elbow two days after mine. Check pics and discussion out on a surfer forum. We both refuse to grow up.
Hoping for some breaks in the weather to get out and ride. Ken and I hit the roads Sunday afternoon on the MTBs. It was good to get out and I can't wait to be in true form again and hitting the races with the Vesrah boys again this season. Sponsors are coming together, now it is time for us to hold up our end of the bargain - having fun. Two months til the first race!


surfdad said...

I remember the half saved arm so well. that made me laugh. thanks.

Mark McCrimmon said...

I eventually shaved the rest of the arm to make it consistent, yet left the right arm alone. No one has noticed, except for my kids.

surfdad said...

hows it going? been riding at all?


Mark McCrimmon said...

Funny you were thinking of this while I was out riding.

surfdad said...

yeah, my wife says I am kind of psychic. wish I could think of the numbers to the lotto instead of you out riding. hahaha

glad you got for a ride. it will get better. keep it up.

your fellow broken elbow person.
