
Phoenix Vacation

It is always great to get away with the family. The temps were in the mid 60s which allowed most days to consist of hikes and time lounging around the pool. We hooked up with some great friends which always makes a trip special.

On the ride side, things were not so good. I borrowed Mike's bike that is down there and headed out Saturday morning for ride #3 since the surgery. Cannondale was doing demo rides at the South Mtn lot when I arrived and thus I opted for a new '08 Scapel. My lower back/hip was hurting from the exertion the day before, yet was ready to push on. I decided on the Beverly Canyon to Javelina loop. I left Pima Canyon going north down to the first wash, up the climb hopping a bit over some rocks and down the next hill into the next wash when my back said to STOP! I got off the bike and couldn't move. I stood there for 15 minutes in major hip pain. Two older ladies helped me to the other side of the wash and then I send them on as I wanted to lay and stretch. Once down, I couldn't get up. Later, as I lay on the ground asking myself so many questions of why so many things have gone wrong with my body over the past 4 months, a family came by and helped me up very slowly and with great pain. Their 15 year old son walked the bike back for me as I walked very slowly up and over and up again to get back to the main lot. My right leg was going numb at this point and I was having a tough time speaking. Someone helped me load Mike's bike back into the car and I finally made it back to the hotel room. A few hours later after a XODOL which was prescribed for my arm and laying flat on my back by the pool, the pain had subsided. I layed flat for a few more hours. The next day we went to Church, sat by the pool and then did a light hike in Beverly canyon. I felt fairly good, yet my stride is a bit off.

The next day I felt better than I have in a month, hiked some large climbs in South Mtn along with a hike in the evening over at CamelBak before hitting the plan home. I am totally baffled on my back and am planning on seeing a specialist very soon. Maybe I need to lay by a pool everyday.

Pics here.

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