
9.5 week update

Today was 50 degrees flexion and 160 degrees extension while on XODOL 10/300MG. At least there was no yelling this time as the pain was a little less. I dropped the PT for the past week and a half as I just couldn't hack it anymore. Lack of sleep, numb hand, coupled with painful sessions left me in a discouraged and a negative mental state. I'm generally a positive person with high hopes, yet this is a trial that is teaching me many lessons. I must persevere as perseverance develops character and character hope (Romans 5:3-4).

In dropping my PT sessions, I still had my own private PT as my wife and kids are now professionals and provided pain with smiles to me everyday. The boys especially enjoyed torturing Dad and I enjoyed punching my Therapist. I also swam 4 days during the week and enjoyed stretching in the hot tub.

I visited my Dr again yesterday for an evaluation. He urged me back to the painful PT of which I did go today. He also ordered me a Dynasplint which I should receive this week. I'm still numb in my left hand due to the ulnar nerve compression and have rough nights sleeping, yet he has urged me to defer that issue for now and simply focus on getting my arm movement back.


timsmith said...

Hang in there Mark. I had an accident in high school that left me with considerable work to do, and it was all uphill for a while, but worth it in the end. "You gotta get to it, so you can get through it."

Mark McCrimmon said...

Thanks for the encouragement as I continually could use it! Good to hear from you and to see how great your major home project came through.